We then selected our favourite ideas and came up with a rough storyline for the characters along with ideas
for camera shots and filming techniques.
The next step was to finalise our story and create a storyboard showing the shots we decided to use.

After we did this, we came up with a script to fit the brief.
[Sitting at the table]
Addict: You got the gear?
Dealer: Gimme the money first.
[The exchange takes place]
Addict: What is this shit?
[Rory gets angry]
Addict: Get on your knees! I wanna hear you PRAY!
The effect we created using the script was of a stereotypical 'gangster' this fit in with our story.
We also discussed the props we were going to use and where we were going to get them from. For our scene we needed; 'Drugs' (aka flour in a little bag) brought in by Rory, a Gun which we borrowed from the drama department and lighting and camera, which we borrowed from media.
We also talked about costumes. For the prelim, Rory was to wear baggy clothes to make him look very skinny (like a drug addict) And I was to wear black to look like a big drug dealer. The effect we were trying to create was a stereotypical drug dealer and addict.
Lastly, we went location scouting and decided that an inside location would suit our needs best. We then looked at the schedule for rooms and booked the one we deemed most suitable for our needs. We found a dark room with lots of open space to film. This was the best for us as it allowed us free movement for where we were going to film and enabled us to create an effect of a dark and mysterious room.
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