

After many problems trying to edit at school, which all of us had a go at, despite it not working. We decided it was within our best interests for me to take it home and do the editing on my own computer. To edit, I downloaded a similar software to the one we used at school, Adobe Premier Pro CC Trial software. Although this meant Rory and Ashufta didn't get to do as much editing as we would have liked, it meant we manage to get the job done. 
Once on a working computer, editing went smoothly and we had a range of clips to choose from to put our Prelim Task together. By filing each shot several ties, it allowed us to look through each version and pick and choose the best ones. By making a storyboard, it really helped us to have a better idea of what needed filming for each shot but still allowed us to make adjustments to make the final product look better. 
We didn't use many different transitions as we felt that simple cuts and fade to blacks were the best ones to suit our story. We also didn't use any music in our video but we did add on a gun-shot sound which I found online by searching 'gun-shot sound effect'. I tried out 3 different gun sounds before I found one that vaguely sounded like the gun we used, old but loud. One thing I would change if I did it again, is to refill the gun with caps and use that for the gun sound as the sound clip I used sounded very different to the rest of the sound in the task, it was clearer and a little louder than the rest of the sound and is something I believe we should improve upon when it comes to our final Thriller. The final problem I faced was within the audio recording itself. Although we can hear the audio just fine, when we imported the video files, the audio files did not appear separately. Whilst this was fine for most of the recording, there is one out of place clip of sound which I was unable to remove due to not having the sound files.

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