Starts with quotes that relate to the film- this is a creative way of opening and establishes what the film is possibly going to be about.
The ticking and the pendulum swinging indicate a passing of time, a key component of this film. The creepy pendulum puts the audience slightly on edge as it has a disturbing face carved into it, this adds to the thriller feel, fitting with the genre.
I particularly like the way the first couple of titles come one (The production companies and director I believe) They use a generic wipe to make the words appear and disappear, however, this is disguised by the pendulum to make it seem as if that is wiping them on/ off. I think this is a very simple but creative way of displaying the titles and is something I would consider implementing. The words themselves stand out well as they are white on a black background. this makes them easy to read and still look good.
After the pendulum stops, the hands on the clock speed up, this disorientates the audiences sense of time.
The opening itself is very unique as it isn't the start of the film, but an extra clip introducing the characters that are going to be in the film. This isn't something I could do for my Thriller as it doesn't fit with with the generic thriller genre. The way they use people to spell the name film (In German) is something I would love to do for my Thriller, however it would be next to impossible to do!
Blue Velvet- David Lynch- 1986
This clip begins with the title sequence. It's in a fancy calligraphy font, on a blue velvet background (something we deem as posh/ royal.) This creates a royal feel to the film from the beginning.
The opening of this film is very unique and confusing, it relates to the film well, although you don't know this until later as the opening doesn't show what's happening right away and leave a lot to the imagination and audience assumption.
The stereotypical normalcy of a suburban life in the opening sequence adds to the thriller-ness as it gives the sense of 'it could happen to anybody'.
The little hints about something not right make the audience suspicious and on edge, giving a good thriller effect.
The use of music is good in this thriller, the jolly music makes everything seem normal and transitions into an eerie music by fading out the previous music suitably by moving away from where we assume the source is. The music gets more tense and suspense filled as we zoom in through the grass and focus upon a severed ear.
Title: Text suddenly appears on screen, it overlays the frozen shot and is bold and sticks out. The production companies, director, actors and co-stars appear in the opening. The titles scroll up screen and are usually in very bright colours, with the actors appearing in white which stands out a lot on the black background. They overlay each other during the title. The title, in yellow and red, itself gets smaller as the actors names appear.
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