
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back, I think the filming in the Preliminary task was more creative than in my final opening and I mainly used boring straight shots in my final task. However, I did learn how to control exposure and white balance etc. as this is something I had to work out to make sure the video quality was all right. This was something I learnt for the final task as I did not do it in the prelim task. 
I do believe I have improved vastly on my editing. For my final opening, I spent many hours of my own free time editing, as well as time in lessons. I think this allowed me to do more complicated editing and gave me more of a chance to try out multiple things to see which was best. Although I didn't do much editing between the clips, I am very happy with how the titles came out as I think it gave them more of an interesting look, being integrated into the filming, than having plain cuts as the beginning.
I also think the storyline is much better as it suits the conventions of a thriller more than the prelim did as it contains more suspense and mystery then the 'drug deal' storyline did. I feel that doing the research into the genre allowed me to gain more knowledge into the genre and I learnt how to use the conventions effectively.

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